Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healey

Why do the princesses always get the story named after them? Think about it....Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rupunzel...there is no fairy tale called  'The Brave Prince Charming'. And why? Because every fairy tale hero is named Prince Charming. And the Princes Charming are quite upset about that, too.  The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom is their story.

I read this book aloud to my children (ages 9, 7, and 6) and they LOVED it. It gave me opportunity to do some really fun voices for each of the princesses  - Cinderella, Snow White, Rupunzel and Sleeping Beauty-  and Princes, respectively - Frederick, Duncan, Gustav and Liam -who all have very different personalities; . Each character has been delightfully given a backstory to the fairy tale we know and an evil witch who plans to overthrow all of the kingdoms...unless the Princes Charming can work together. Throw in a giant, some dwarves, a dragon and a host of other adventures and you've got a hilarious romp to Save Your Kingdom. 

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