Thursday, September 21, 2017

The High Mountains of Portugal by Yann Martel

Yann Martel is best known for his novel Life of Pi. It was such a delight it was even made into a movie. Should it be made into a film, The High Mountains of Portugal would make viewers crazy. That, or offer a director amazing artistic opportunity. I feel like something about this book rang the same sort of bells the movie Holy Motors did for me. If you haven't yet seen this film, strap on your crazy boots before you do - and hold on for the ride.

I digress....

There are three distinct stories in The High Mountains of Portugal with each having a similar themes of beauty, finding meaning and identity. It took me awhile to get into the story since it is told in a simple, stark way. But once I adapted to the rhythm, I was hooked into seeing what Yann wanted me to see. Without spoilers, I loved the religious overtones found in everyday experiences and the depth of insight into the human condition.

This is not a light read. This is not fluff to quickly eat before moving on to another course. It is, however, very much a love story.

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